- Connected the system to WiFi. The kit came with a WiFI adapter, so I plugged it in and started the "WiFi Config" utiltiy on the desktop. Turns out, this is a front-end to wpa_supplicant, a set of tools for managing WiFi networks. Once I had connected to a network, all networks were available in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, and selected in order of preference top-to-bottom. This was important for a later step.
- Patched it. On the pi, this is done by executing "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". This took a while.
- Installed a VNC server, as recommended by the instructor (sudo apt-get install thinvncserver). SSH with X forwarding can get most things done, but having a GUI for some things is nice too. Once my coding project is done I will likely turn off X and the VNC server to save resources.
- Set up my phone as an access point and configured the Pi to prefer it. This lets me plug the Pi in and I can SSH / VNC from my laptop if both are joined to my phone. Important for working in class where monitors are limited. Using the command "nmap XX.XX.XX.0/24", replacing the network with my access point's, I am able to find the Pi if he gets a different DHCP lease between sessions.
- Set up the VNC server to boot at startup. I got instructions on that here (http://elinux.org/RPi_VNC_Server).
Now, I can sit in class and hack on my Pi! I just need something to do.
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