The other topic covered in homework this week was setting up a RESTful service using Django. The example provided in the book is a Weather Station mock-up. I have implemented this example and made a few changes of my own to make it work. I did not use MySQL as the database back-end, which is not a hard requirement since Django's data representation libraries let you change the back-end without modifying the object structure. Code is
Setup Instructions
- Install Python 2.7 with Virtualenv extension
- 'virtualenv weatherstation' to create a new blank "weatherstation" Virtualenv container
- 'source weatherstation/bin/activate' to turn on Virtualenv container
- 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install all the required packages for the Django setup
- 'python syncdb' to create a new database
- When prompted to add a new user, say 'yes' and use 'username' and 'password'
Running Instructions
- Activate the weatherstation Virtualenv container
- 'python runserver'
- Add at least one piece of data and browse to ''
Adding Data
Modify the following line to as needed.
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"TestCity", "timestamp": "123456", "temperature": "46", "lat": "30.123456", "lon": "76.123456"}' -u username:password
What's Happening Here?
The URI endpoint "/station" allows people with the correct permissions (username:password) to create new "Station" objects in Django using a POST request and a JSON object in the POST data. These objects contain a name along with some temperature and location information. When the /home URL is loaded, the "requests" Python library makes a GET request and displays the information from the last update using the "index.html" template. The values passed to the template from the view replace the {{ values }} of the same name.
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